Established in March 1993, Bahrain Pack was registered under the United Paper Industries BSC © and bears the Commercial Registration No. 29242. As the largest corrugated box manufacturer in the Kingdom, Bahrain Pack’s facility is located in the Sitra Industrial Park and produces all types of printed and non-printed corrugated products.

With a vision to meet the huge packing demands of Bahrain and the GCC region, a group of likeminded businessmen formed the company with a focus on the manufacturing of quality corrugated cartons. Bahrain Pack offers a full range of customizable packaging solutions and services designed to meet the requirements of its clients.

Bahrain Pack has built a reputation as the number one packaging solutions provider and ensures the production of high-quality products delivered in a timely manner. The Company exports its products across the regional market with high value clients from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan.

In 2007, Bahrain Pack established Jordan Bahrain Paper Industries (Joba Pack) ( specializing in the production of printed and non-printed corrugated boxes and sheets. Joba Pack is fully owned by United Paper Industries and is equipped with a team of experts in the field with a commitment to producing the highest quality products for its clients in Jordan and surrounding countries.


We aim to create valuable, innovative and best-in-class products to meet the requirements of our customers.


We aim to provide our customers with timely delivery and premium quality products at competitive prices.

Bahrain Pack

Core Values

Bahrain Pack shares a key list of core values:

  1. We believe in fostering a team of highly motivated employees that excel in efficiency, customer service and creativity.
  2. We prioritize the safety of our employees and provide them with all the necessary safety equipment when operating our machinery.
  3. We focus on creating a positive work environment for all employees.

Our Objectives

  1. We aim to become the preferred supplier of corrugated boxes with a focus on quality, competitive prices and timely delivery.
  2. We aim to utilize modern, environmentally friendly technology to reduce and manage waste and its disposal.
  3. We aim to ensure that quality measures are implemented at each level of production to deliver high customer satisfaction.
Our Objectives


Since its inception in 1993, Bahrain Pack’s years in the business has earned a loyal customer base as we have branched our services to the GCC and beyond. Our products cater to a list of high-profile clients across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Jordan.

bahrain pack

service with a smile

Meet Our People

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Board of Directors

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Management Team

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